Donate to help free our youth.

For those abandoned by the rule of law.

We will remember.

With hope, because hopelessness is the enemy of justice.
With courage, because peace requires bravery.
With persistence, because justice is a constant struggle.
With faith, because we shall overcome.

-Bryan Stevenson, The Legacy Museum

At exalt, we understand clearly what actions we are called to do to create an even more fair, more just society. Since our founding, we have helped thousands of young people in the five boroughs of New York City to escape the criminal justice system, to re-engage with their education and experience meaningful paid work, and to pursue life dreams they did not think possible before they came through our doors. Our young people are able to succeed because we have built a new model within that system that aims to free them. When asked to do our part to create a more fair, just (and indeed, safe and prosperous) society, we choose innovation over incarceration.

Please join us by making a gift to help more court-involved young people secure the empowered future they deserve.